At Legal Solutions Panama, we are experts in processing Residence Permits or Visas.

Procesos rápidos y fáciles. Precios cerrados. Sin desplazamientos. Sin sorpresas.


Permit for foreigners with real estate in Panama

Friendly Nations

Permit for foreigners who are on the list of Friendly Nations of Panama

Retired or Pensioner

Permit for Retired or Pensioned foreigners


Permit for foreign professionals who may practice their career in Panama

Family reunification

Permit for Family Reunification (foreigner married to a Panamanian national, dependents, or children)

Multinational Company Headquarters

Permit to foreign workers hired by SEM

Education / Students

Permission for foreigners to study in Panama

Technical 15%

Work permit for foreigners as Experts or Technicians within 15% of specialized personnel

Foreigner 10%

Work permit for foreigners hired within 10% of ordinary personnel
At Legal Solutions Panama, we offer the processing service for Residence Permits or Visas for Panama in the following categories:

The Residence Permit as an investor or Investor Visa can be requested by any foreigner based on the following:

  • Permanent resident permit for reasons of own economic solvency for opening a fixed term deposit

The regulations establish that any foreigner who invests a minimum sum 300,000.00 US dollars (USD) in fixed-term deposit and demonstrates that the funds come from abroad, can request this Residence Permit as an Investor in Panama.

  • Permanent resident permit for reasons of economic solvency for investment in real estate

The regulations establish that any foreigner who invests a minimum sum 300,000.00 US dollars (USD) in fixed-term deposit and demonstrates that the funds come from abroad, can request this Permit.

This investment permit is the most affordable for investors.

  • Permanent resident permit for reasons of own economic solvency for mixed investment (fixed-term deposit and real estate)

This type of Permit is a mixed investment, that is, if a foreigner invests the minimum amount 300,000.00 US dollars (USD) in real estate or fixed term; or a combination of both and demonstrates that the funds come from abroad, you will also be able to access this type of Investor Visa.

  • Residence permit under the category of investor or visa for investors who are citizens of Friendly Nations:

Citizens of the so-called Friendly Nations or Friendly Countries can request their visa for reasons of Investment in Real Estate or Fixed-Term Deposits.In both cases, the amounts required from this group of citizens are less than those required from citizens whose country is not part of the list. The amount of the investment in real estate is US$ 200,000.00.

The Provisional Residence Permit as Foreign Nationals of Specific Countries can be requested by all foreigners whose country maintains friendly, professional, and economic investment relations with the Republic of Panama.

Before, the Residence Permit under the category of Friendly Nations consisted of a Permanent Permit, since July 2021, the rule was modified and became a Provisional Permit.

This permit is granted for a period of two (2) years to those persons who request the subcategory of Permanent Resident, as foreign nationals who maintain friendly relations with the Republic of Panama.

The Residence Permit for Retirees or Pensioners is reserved for all foreigners who receive retirement or pension from a foreign government, international organization, or private company and who enter the national territory to settle there and have sufficient financial means to pay all their living expenses and those of their dependents in the country. The monthly income or pension may not be less than B/.1,000.00 or its equivalent in foreign currency and must be granted for life.

The regulations call it the Provisional Permit of Permanent Resident as a Professional Foreigner, and any professional foreigner may apply for this type of visa for professionals if the said profession is not limited by the Constitution of the Republic of Panama or by naturalization only for Panamanians.

  • Provisional residence permits for a foreigner married to a national.

Foreigners who have married a panamamian national and live with them in singularity, stability, and continuity conditions can apply for this permit

  • Residence Permit for Panamanian child.

This type of visa considered for family reunification is legally called: Provisional Permanent Resident Permit for Demographic Reasons and Family Reunification as Foreigners with Panamanian Children.

This type of Visa applies to foreigners with one or more Panamanian children with a minimum of five (5) years of age. If you have a Panamanian child who has not yet reached five (5) years of age, you cannot request this Permit.

  • Residence Permit as dependent of permanent resident

Only can apply to this Resident Permit as a Dependent of Permanent Resident Foreign spouses, children under 18 years of age, relatives with disabilities, and dependent parents of a provisional resident of two (2) years, permanent resident, or Panamanian national.

Panama offers the workers of companies that have obtained the category of Multinational Company Headquarters, a series of benefits, not only fiscal but also migratory. All foreign workers of companies declared Multinational Company Headquarters can benefit from this type of visa.There are three classes of visas for employees of Multinational Company Headquarters.

  • SEM Permanent Personnel Permit or Visa.

The SEM Permanent Personnel Visa is granted to foreigners who will have administrative or executive positions within the company. Whoever has this type of visa does not need a work permit to work.

  • SEM Temporary Personnel Permit or Visa.

The SEM Temporary Personnel Visa is requested for foreign personnel working within the company for a short time. Whoever has this type of visa does not need a work permit to work.

  • Permit or Visa for Special Events (SEM).

The Special Events Visa (SEM) can be requested by workers who come to the country for a specific event, provided they need a visa to enter Panama due to their nationality.

Foreigners who wish to study full-time in public or private educational centers at basic, intermediate, higher, and specialized levels recognized by the Ministry of Education can request this Residence Permit for Students.

The regulations refer to this permit as: Provisional Permit for Permanent Resident Hired as an Expert or Technician Within 15% of the Specialized Personnel.

This type of Permit or Residence Visa can be applied for by foreigners hired by a company as an Expert or Technician, earning a salary of no less than B/.850.00 per month or the same amount in US dollars (USD).

The legislation calls this permit a: Provisional Permanent Resident Permit for Foreign Personnel Hired by Private Companies Within 10% of the Ordinary Personnel.

This type of Residence Permit can be requested by a foreigner hired by a private company and earns a salary of not less than B/.850.00 per month or the same amount in US dollars (USD) if the company requesting the permit has within your payroll a percentage less than 10% covered by foreign workers.

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